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6 Month Smiles
Are you an adult who is self-conscious or embarrassed about your smile? Does your bite feel pretty good, but you just wish your front teeth could be straighter or more aligned to improve your smile? Are you interested in Short Term Orthodontics that is affordable and doesn’t leave you in unsightly metal braces for a couple of years?
Six Month Smiles may be for you. Six Month Smiles is a Short Term Orthodontic solution for adults wanting their front teeth to be straighter so that they can feel more confident in their smile and their first impression. Translucent brackets and tooth-colored wires are used for an average of six months, so that you can possibly have straighter teeth by your next cleaning appointment.
Make an appointment today with Madsen and Hirsch Dental Care for a free consultation to have your questions answered and to see if six month smiles would work for you.
If you would like more information about adult orthodontic, download our free report, "10 Things You Must Know About Adult Orthodontics". Click Here to get your free report.
Patient Review:
"Thank you for giving me fantastic straight teeth. I cannot tell you how much my confidence has grown. I wish you all the best success."
-Raven J.